Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Our first Google Hangout: "What's it all about?"

Last night, Jesse and I finally got our first Hangout going. I apologize for my shabby appearance. I had originally wanted this to be an AUDIO podcast, but hey, if Google Hangouts work easier, then that's cool by me! We had a real blast, and we now have a pretty good idea of what we want to do with this thing! I'm excited to see where this leads. 

Peter's Espresso Shot: Find your passion

Peter Diamandis is my hero. He has the enthusiasm of a used car salesman, but he's not selling cars. He sells dreams. He sells change. What's best is that he wants everyone to participate! If you haven't read his book "Abundance," I highly recommend it!

Monday, February 18, 2013

TED talk - Young-ha Kim: Be an artist, right now!

WARNING: SUBTITLES! He talks fast, too, so I hope you're a fast reader.

There are the occasional TED talks that really start to spur me into motion. This one is a good one for that purpose. Young-ha explains how we are all born artists, and if we just allow that part of ourselves to survive and flourish, then art can "save our souls." Give it a watch!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Greetings, my non-existent constituency! KNEEL BEFORE ME! Good...good... (rubs hands menacingly)

This is the first of hopefully many posts on this blog. Let me take a moment to introduce myself. I am Richard Fortuna, and I am seeking inspiration for my life.

For years, I have been seeking something more out of my life. I am working in a job where I have excelled, but have found myself in a strange position. I can't really progress higher where I am, and moving to another area in the organization would be a step down, and...really...I'm just not FEELING it anymore. I'm only there to get my next paycheck. I just don't have any DRIVE to be there anymore!

It doesn't help that I watch a lot of TED videos. I see all of these people who are doing amazing things, and I say "Hey! I want to do amazing things! Why can't I do stuff like that?" and that just gets me thinking...Why CAN'T I do stuff like that? What is so different about me?

Maybe this is my mid-life crisis setting in. Maybe I'm just feeling the effects of 30-some-odd years on this planet and realizing that I have wasted SO MANY YEARS in pointless, dead-end jobs and I just can't sit by and let the world pass me by without doing something big at least once. This may be my last hurrah to do something big with my life before I'm too old to care anymore, but dammit, what do I DO?

Well, yesterday my co-worker Jesse and I volunteered at the TEDxCharlotte 2013 event at Silver Hammer Studios in Charlotte, NC.  It was a long day listening to speeches by local folks who do amazing things in our own community. It was an amazing day, full of truly inspiring speeches that spanned the gamut of topics from homeless ministry, worldwide humanitarian aid, and locally-sourced food to a tearful letter to Congress urging them to stop being such dips#!ts. I'm paraphrasing there.

While sitting down for a beer at the after party, we came to a realization. Jesse and I are in the same boat. We both know we want to do more, but we don't know what will truly motivate US. We have lived the greater part of our lives with little or no actual DIRECTION in mind, and the world is becoming more and more clouded by the nanosecond. There is literally a WORLD of possibility out there, and it's overwhelming! What possibility is right for US?

This is why Jesse and I are making this blog, and soon to be podcast. It is our goal that, after a year or so of doing this and participating in some social and intellectual exercises to prepare us, we might just be able to find our niche...our muse...our sense of purpose that we both seek so desperately.